When us kids went to church with the family, I remember the ridiculous pledge we needed to mumble once a year, to defend our purity. The words were written by the Catholic “Legion of Decency” and we all swore to avoid books or films condemned by those ever vigilant clerics and prudes whose obsession with…… Continue reading SMITE, SMOTE and SMITTEN


My yard shares a sliver of an historic district, an enclave of blocks with 19th century homes. Some are Gingerbread and Queen Anne style, some more Gothic and others Classic Florida Cracker. None of the buildings imposes on any other. Spacious yards filled with trees and landscaping lean into each other. Yards large enough to…… Continue reading SHADOW THEATER


Notos is what the ancient Greeks called the south wind. Although they had names for each of the directional air currents it’s the south wind that greets me most mornings. Perhaps it’s because it pours through my yard from the nearby bayou or it has raced overnight across the Florida flatlands gathering heat on its…… Continue reading NOTOS


I would never have imagined myself becoming a book burner. I’m not motivated by partisan rancor or worthless religious orthodoxy. I feel very uncomfortable joining a fanatical fraternity that includes storm troopers, bible belt Christians and a long dead Muslim Mulah who it is thought to have ordered the legendary Library of Alexandria to be…… Continue reading BOOK BURNER

“A Glitch in the Matrix”

This is practically the only concept that I learned from a trilogy of films I never saw. I have retained the idea because it really does seem applicable to our non cinematic world. Some formula has to account for the unexplainable “things’ that happen, illogical events that defy physics and reason. I am speaking personally,…… Continue reading “A Glitch in the Matrix”