
I’ve been riding an Amtrak train named the Zephyr doing research for an entirely different book. The second volume of my TV stories went to the publisher on Saturday. With luck, copies will be in my hand by mid June. Many people might think it very presumptuous of me to put out a second book…… Continue reading Traveling

In Spring

The 18th century English poet Tennyson wrote “In Spring, a young man’s fancy turns to thoughts of love.” No disputing that romantic observation. I remember those bucolic days when my spring sap rose indeed, and pursued its fancies fair of face and form, at least of those who gave me a second look. Now I…… Continue reading In Spring

One lucky guy

This morning while working in my back yard, I found a crumpled ten dollar bill. During its indeterminate sojourne in my yard, it had been rained on and sun baked to its crinkly condition. True money laundering. Obviously, money doesn’t grown on trees like those above me, but the bills possible origins remained a mystery.…… Continue reading One lucky guy

The RITES, of Spring

Apologies to Mr Stravinsky. This posting has nothing whatsoever to do with that iconic, much loved music composition. I am referring to the incredible burst of budding, blossoming and

Mangoes in the Morning

I have mentioned previously that I don’t eat mangoes despite my having two large and prolific producing trees beside my house. They’re dirty trees, shedding leaves and branches non stop. The brittle gray branches pile up around the thick trunk. The lawn guy only picks up any large enough to hurt his blades. For two…… Continue reading Mangoes in the Morning