I recently saw an internet article about the correct and incorrect ways to eat sushi. This delectable dietary option has been a favorite of mine for decades. Just another of the food choices adopted by us from adversaries we as a nation defeated in past wars. Like Italian, Vietnamese, French and to a lesser extent…… Continue reading SUSHI


The title refers to that part of the versatile olive’s arc of existence when bushels of the ripe but hard fruit are dumped into presses then crushed,, squeezed, and pulped to a liquid state. The olives are generally from Italy, Spain, France and Tunisia. The resulting green gold oozing into tanks is eventually bottled and…… Continue reading Pressed

Il signori raccoono!

OK maybe it’s not the correct Italian but it’s how I think of the corpulent raccoon who waddles through my yard with remarkable energy. Indifferent to the sauna like heat still clinging to the weedy ground and infusing the languid air, he searches my yard for food. I can usually hear him barreling along my…… Continue reading Il signori raccoono!


When COVID first made its appearance and the future looked bleak, I filled my freezer with food. Stacks of Indian and East Asian packaged dinners. They had been on sale. I cut up chickens and put the pieces into plastic baggies. I didn’t really consider that I rarely eat Indian food and might not like…… Continue reading Defrosting